
The Divine Tale

You are to begin your story with God.........In that story you shall learn to love..........you shall see the truth of your Self...........and you shall realize the immeasurable goodness and greatness of God.................


I asked God for a boon......... and from that moment on I fell in love with His purity....... His goodness....... His mercy........ and His unconditional love......... I had asked for a boon and I received it immediately.......... Nothing could ever take the place of loving Him.........

I asked God to protect me always........ From that moment on I had the strength to utilize His love that was within my heart to serve His children.....To receive the protection of God you have to protect and serve His child that has in the midst of his weaknesses forgotten the miracle of having faith.........unconditional faith in Him.....

I asked God for pure thoughts.......... and I began from that instant to hear His Word........... There was no thought that moment on........With His word in my heart and the with the strength to wait..........wait endlessly.....I found the bliss to carry out His will.........without asking,"why".........

I asked God for a compassionate heart..........He taught me that the way to be kind is to give up the selfish intent and instead accept the bowl of joy that flowed with contentment.........I realized then kindness is giving what you have and receiving what you are........

I asked God to let me know always that He was there with me.......... He gave to me the gift of surrender.......... From then on I learnt to smile..........and be happy......for no reason.......God walked beside me.....ahead of me.........behind me..........I became present in His presence.......

I thanked God for Him.... for being who He is......... He smiled and teared as He said. "Love is everything.........everything.........and in that you and I are entwined ......forever......."
